Welcome officer! Your job is to protect innocent civilians from nefarious glitches. 

Some time back, for efficiency's sake, the government-issued scanner and laser gun were fused into one device. However due to safety concerns and trigger-happy police officers regulations were imposed to make the trigger perform two functions - both scanning and shooting. The gun's safety now releases only when the scanner component has confirmed positive ID on a glitch.

Scan civilians and destroy the glitches before they can escape!


Movement - WASD

Shift to sprint

Right click to equip/unequip scanner 

Left click to shoot/scan

Escape to skip tutorial 

Sound effects from pixabay and https://sfxr.me/

Glitch shader: https://godotshaders.com/shader/glitch-effect-shader-for-godot-engine-4/

Thanks to derkork (a.k.a. Godotneer) for the State Chart extension, super useful!

Programming, art and design by Ben, made with Godot 4.3

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